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Julie Wosk, Curator,  "Imaging Women in the Space Age"  was at the  New York Hall of Science,   Queens, New York,  July 13 - March 29, 2020  and March-May, 2024.  It is  at the Berkshire Museum,  Pittsfield, MA  from June-September 8,  2024.    https://berkshiremuseum.org/events-exhibits/curator-of-women-in-the-space-age-julie-wosk-gives-talk-on-exhibition/   The exhibit includes images of female astronauts, space-age fashions,  films,  and androids in vintage  sci-fi television shows.  This exhibit is available for travel.  Contact the curator,  jwosk@sunymaritime.edu

Julie Wosk's  many presentations include "Perfect Woman': Female Robots, Alluring Androids, and Electronic Eves"at  Harvard University,  talks on her books and research at  Princeton University,  Columbia Universy, the New York Public Library,  the  Smithsonian  National Musuem of American History,  and the Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design.  She will be speaking about her book at the Berkshire Atheneum on June 26 and at the annual meetings of the   Society for the History of Technology and the International Committee for the History of Technology,  Vina del Mar,  Chile, July 2024. She will also be speaking about  Gllded Age Automatons to Today's Talking Dolls at  Ventfort Hall,  Lenox, MA on  August 8, 2024. 

Julie Wosk, My Fair Ladies: Female Robots, Androids, and Other Artificial Eves (Rutgers University Press)


Museum exhibit of images at the New York Hall of Science, Queens, New York, April 22-October 22, 2017. http://nysci.org/event/picturing-female-robots-and-androids/

Images of female robots, mannequins and dolls in films, television, video games and more. Robots, androids, mannequins and dolls reflect our age-old efforts to create artificial beings that look amazingly lifelike. They also reveal to us our changing views of women. This exhibit, curated by Julie Wosk, is based on her  book MY FAIR LADIES: Female Robots, Androids, and Other Artificial Eves.

JULIE WOSK'S INTERVIEW ON NEW YORK TELEVISION qptv.org/content/qptv-presents-around-queens-luchia-dragosh-picturing-female-robots-and-androids

Huffington Post story http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/museum-features-pictures-of-female-robots-and-androids_us_58fb4c02e4b086ce58981168

Ms. Magazine blog by Julie Wosk http://msmagazine.com/blog/2017/08/30/picturing-female-robots-androids/

Talk on "Designing Machines With Women in Mind" at the annual meeting of the College Art Association, February 15-18, 2017, New York City.

Hear Julie Wosk being interviewed about her book on female robots on the NPR show "51%" broadcast December 17, 2015
